In a effort to cut down on the number of posts I will be consolidating misc. things that don't have another place into a single post (at least as a trial). These consolidations will be divided into subposts to make them easier to read.

#1: Creeeeeepy

This is probably one of the strangest, most disturbing things I have ever seen (yeah, I don't get out much).

I found this while randomly surfing the blogosphere, and more pictures can people found here along with some other interesting stuff.

#2: My Favorite Section(s) From An Otherwise Stupid Post

Things about the web that scare me...

1. It knows where I live (however, it is a small comfort that Google Maps thinks I live two doors down).
2. It's so impersonal (never once have I head, "Hi, I'm Jim and I'll be your server (no pun intended) today".)

#3: My Favorite Phrase From An Otherwise Wonderful Conversation

Me: I just want a goddamn Linux Shoe!

(I doubt many of you will get that).

So...thats today's consolidation post. If I hadn't done this I would have made a whole two extra posts and polluted the blogosphere that much more with my senseless ramblings.

0 glowing praise(s):


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