With all of Apple's new product updates I'm unable to resist coming out of my unannounced hiatus.

So, first off I've gotta say I'm not too thrilled about the iMacs (I was really hoping they would look like this) with their weird black thing and whatnot (I guess environmental friendliness comes at a price– which I'm not willing to pay). And with the slogan "You can never be too thin. Or too powerful." it seems like they're just asking for some mother's watchdog group to accuse Apple or brainwashing their little fanboys girls. (I came up with the slogan "The new iMac– more than just iCandy".)

As for the software updates– four letters for you: h-a-w-t. I gotta love a better iMovie but I think they over-simplified it a little too much, it just looks too simple. iPhoto is looking nice with its new features but it's all the same to me, seeing as how I don't use iPhoto. And as for iWeb, Garage Band, et all– whatever.

I got pretty pumped about Numbers (the new Excel killer) even though it looks (much like Pages) to be more for making your documents pretty rather than powerful. Sadly, when I downloaded the free trial it informed me that I would have to upgrade to OS 10.4.10 which I'm just not willing to do (seeing as I'd have to redo all the icons I've applied). So I'll just have to wait for TUAW to dish out the news.

(Oh yeah, and those new keyboards aren't half bad either).

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