Okay, I'm doing consolidations again because I suddenly have a lot to say (no thanks to HitTail, which has not given any suggestions yet).

The BBC – Britain's Trashiest News Corporation

I'm pretty sure the BBC's readership is lower-brow than they would like to think.  In February this story broke and was, predictably their top read.  However, just today it spent some time as the #1 read story (edging out this very popular one).  The BBC aught to give up on real news altogether. I'm sure the Brits had a good laugh about this story, in which a Texas mob killed middle-aged man, typically American, eh?

Cig Dreams

Lately I have been having kind of strange dreams. For instance the other night I dreamed that cigarettes had been banned...and I chose that time to start smoking. After three days I realized how silly it was and I went cold turkey...which turned out to be really easy.

The Ellipses Are Coming!

I just realized that my last four blog titles have at least one ellipsis in them (I also just realized that the Blogger widget doesn't have spell check, so I'm sure I'm spelling ellipsis/ellipses wrong. Of course I'll spellcheck it before you get to see it but just trust me, I can't spell ellipsis).

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