As lovely as the Blogger interface is (no, really, I mean it) I want a desktop option (i.e. MarsEdit). Sadly, MarsEdit has decided my trial period expired (even though I removed it from my HD) and Ecto just fails to work (plus it's kind of ugly). I'm a big fan of Journler but it doesn't support the new Blogger (and I don't really want my real journal mixed in with my blog...weird things may happen). Apparently MacJournal has the same blogging functionality as Journler but trying to download something from the Mariner site makes my head spin (plus that would be cheating on the Jster).
So if anyone knows any good blogging software (for macs, of course) that:
1. Are free (or have a very long/linient trial)
2. Support the new Blogger
3. Are pretty (optional)
4. Don't give you a headache trying to download them
I'd love to hear about it.
Labels: Apple